
Our PJ40 pots also belong to the Petpacker family. They have a slightly more special push-on neck. Also made of high-quality PET, rPET or Prevented Ocean Plastic (POP).
POP or Prevented Ocean Plastic is a high-quality, fully certified recycled plastic collected from coastal areas and helps against ocean pollution. The perfect sustainable and eco-friendly packaging solution.
Moreover, they are very easy to personalise and user-friendly. Available in various sizes and colours, and for both light-sensitive and non-light-sensitive products. They offer excellent protection against moisture and contaminants, ensuring longer shelf life of the contents and product quality.
PJ40 jars can be sealed with various types of caps, including screw caps with EPE or IHS liners, which ensure a good seal and protection of the contents. The sealable closure provides additional assurance that the container has not been opened before, which is essential for product safety and integrity.

Product specifications

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General characteristics

  • Shape: Round
  • Closure: Jaycap
  • Volume: Available from 50 ml to 250 ml
  • Material: PET, rPET, POP

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